Important update to objections

Important update, in a nutshell the plans have received a slight reworking essentially rendering them new plans and all our objections void, Please resubmit your objections by following the information on the letter below. Cite the reference number in the letter and write your objections in an email or on the online form at Trafford Council’s website
( click link below)


Also if you would be so kind, please take a moment to fill in the short survey below on the usage of and possibilities for the site. This is all to be officially submitted in a quest for consultation. Thank you for caring and helping us give Pomona and ourselves a worthwhile future in our city.

Thank you,

Friends of Pomona

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Islington Mill Art Academy Making Session Aug 2015

Jackie Haynes | Artist

DSC03587 The Twitter Bird angrily tweets its displeasure.

Saving Pomona, the un-manicured area visible from Cornbrook Metrolink Station, is a national conservation issue that everyone who loves wildlife should support.

DSC03447 The Twitter Bird angrily stomps up and down the riverbank.

Salford Docks closed in 1982 and subsequently the area became a breeding habitat for rare Little Ringed Plovers, Skylarks, Lapwings, Ringed Plovers and the Twitter Bird. Pomona is the only real breeding habitat remaining for the Schedule 1 species Little Ringed Plover and developers would be well advised to avoid incurring the wrath of the Twitter Bird with its big beak and powerful influence through Social Media.

DSC03616 The Twitter Bird, getting into a right flap over proposed plans to destroy its natural habitat.

Furthermore, displacing the Twitter Bird will have devastating consequences as it characteristically broadcasts, through tweeting, practically anything, good or bad. This could place Manchester, Salford and Trafford in…

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Manchester European City Of Science Event Says Save Pomona


#EdenProjectNorth #SavePomona #LovePomona #ScienceAsRevolution

Local people, scientists, birdwatchers, journalists and film-makers gathered on Pomona Docks on Saturday 15th August for the inaugural Pomona Festival

A campaign to Save Pomona is gathering pace with hundreds of people signing the petition and visiting the site for a variety of wildlife theme events

Contacts are being made with the original Eden Project in Cornwall for advice and support for Eden Project North at Pomona Docks on Salford Docklands

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